Κυριακή 26 Απριλίου 2009

ναρκη θαλάσσης μαρια

Χρήση ναρκών θαλάσσης

Θαλάσσια νάρκη με μηχανισμό αγκύρωσης

Σύμφωνα με τα παραπάνω πρώτη χρήση ναρκών θαλάσσης έγινε στον πόλεμο Ανεξαρτησίας των Αμερικανών. Η δράση δε αυτών διαφαίνεται χαρακτηριστικά από το γεγονός ότι κανένα πλοίο των εμπλεκομένων δεν βυθίστηκε από πυρά επιφανείας σε αντίθεση με τα τριάντα που βυθίστηκαν από τις πρωτογενείς εκείνες νάρκες του Μπούσνελ. Μερικές δε εξ αυτών ήταν μεταλλικές φιάλες μπύρας με χημικούς πυροσωλήνες, άλλες ήταν βυτία με μεταλλικούς κώνους γεμάτοι πυρίτιδα στο κάτω μέρος ενώ τα στόμια φράζονταν με μεταλλικά καλύμματα. Τότε η πόντισή τους δεν ακολουθούσε σχέδιο αφού ήταν όλες στην επιφάνεια. Αργότερα όταν πλέον οι νάρκες αποτελούσαν υποβρύχιες κατασκευές η πόντισή τους ακολουθούσε ιδιαίτερο σχέδιο ενώ ο χώρος της πόντισής τους λάμβανε πλέον την ονομασία θαλάσσιο ναρκοπέδιο. Σημαντικότατο τέτοιο ναρκοπέδιο στις αρχές της ιστορίας των ναρκών, άξιο ιδιαίτερης μνείας ήταν το ναρκοπέδιο Μόμπιλ (Mobile), προ του ομώνυμου Φρουρίου.

Επίσης νάρκες πρόσκρουσης χρησιμοποίησε και η Παραγουάη το 1808 στον πόλεμο εναντίον της Βραζιλίας όπου και βυθίστηκε το μεγάλο θωρηκτό της δεύτερης το "Ρίο ντε Τζανέιρο". Στον Γαλλο-Γερμανικό πόλεμο του 1870-1871 οι Γερμανοί εμπόδισαν το γαλλικό στόλο να προσεγγίσει στους λιμένες τους με χρησιμοποίηση ναρκών που πυροδοτούνταν με ηλεκτρικό καλώδιο από τη ξηρά. Έτσι η νάρκη μέχρι τον Ρωσο-Τουρκικό πόλεμο χαρακτηρίζονταν αμυντικό όπλο, όταν τον Μάιο του 1877 μια μικρή ομάδα Ρώσων δυτών κατερχόμενοι τον Κάτω Δούναβη έθεσαν στη τρόπιδα του οθωμανικού πολεμικού πλοίου Dar Matoin ηλεκτρική νάρκη με συνέπεια την ανατίναξη του πλοίου και την αύτανδρη βύθισή του. Αν και αυτό υπήρξε τελικά μεμονωμένο περιστατικό στον Ρωσο-Ιαπωνικό πόλεμο (1904-1905) οι Ρώσοι περιορίστηκαν στην ανέπτυξη μεγάλου αμυντικού θαλάσσιου ναρκοπεδίου προ του λιμένος Πορτ Άρθουρ, όταν ανατινάχθηκε το ρωσικό ναρκοβόλο Yenissei.

Σημειώνεται όμως πως 5 χρόνια πριν ένας νεαρός αξιωματικός του Ιταλικού Βασιλικού Ναυτικού εφηύρε μία επιθετική νάρκη προοριζόμενη για πόντιση έξωθι εχθρικών λιμένων, την οποία και επέδειξε σε ναυτικά γυμνάσια. Στην πραγματικότητα ήταν μια ίδια νάρκη της εποχής, απλά με μεγαλύτερο σύρμα αγκύρωσης. Η πρωτοτυπία της όμως ήταν στην επαναστατική χρήση της .που ποντιζόταν ως επιθετική σε γραμμές εξωτερικά των αμυντικών ναρκών των λιμένων, με συνέπεια όσα πλοία υπήρχαν μέσα στους λιμένες προ των οποίων ποντίζονταν αυτές να εγκλωβίζονται σ΄ αυτούς και η έξοδός τους να καθίσταται επικίνδυνη. Πολύ πιθανόν και στον Ρωσο-Ιαπωνικό πόλεμο οι Ιάπωνες να εφάρμοσαν την ίδια ιδέα ποντίζοντας επιθετικές νάρκες στο Πορτ Άρθουρ και στη συνέχεια μικρή μοίρα ιαπωνικών πολεμικών προκαλώντας την έξοδο του ρωσικού στόλου η ανυποψίαστη ναυαρχίδα Πετροπαυλόφσκ στην οποία και επέβαινε ο ναύαρχος Μακάρωφ επέπεσε σε διπλή επιθετική νάρκη με συνέπεια να βυθιστεί μέσα σε 3 μόλις λεπτά.

Αυτό ήταν και το πρώτο πλοίο στη παγκόσμια ναυτική ιστορία που βυθίστηκε από επιθετικό ναρκοπέδιο. Στη συνέχεια οι Ρώσοι εξαπέλυσαν μια γενική πόντιση ναρκών ανοικτής θάλασσας από την οποία οι Ιάπωνες έχασαν δύο μεγάλα και ισχυρά θωρηκτά μέσα σε μια μέρα. Τελικά σ΄ εκείνες τις επιχειρήσεις και από τις δυο παρατάξεις χάθηκαν συνολικά από νάρκες: 2 θωρηκτά, 3 καταδρομικά, 3 κανονιοφόροι και 6 αντιτορπιλικά και τορπιλοβόλα, ενώ ακόμη 3 θωρηκτά, 4 καταδρομικά και 7 αντιτορπιλικά υπέστησαν σοβαρές ζημίες.
Τα απροσδόκητα αυτά αποτελέσματα προκάλεσαν πράγματι μεγάλη εντύπωση στις ναυτικές διοικήσεις σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα αν συνυπολογισθεί αφενός ότι οι καταστροφές σε σχέση με το χρησιμοποιούμενο για το σκοπό αυτό προσωπικό ήταν πολύ σημαντικές και αφετέρου ότι η γόμωση εκείνων των ναρκών δεν ήταν ισχυρότερη από εκείνη των τορπιλών (περίπου 40 κιλά) που δεν επέφεραν τέτοια καταστροφικά αποτελέσματα. Ακόμη και στον Ισπανο-Αμερικανικό πόλεμο το 1898 οι νάρκες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως επιθετικό όπλο.

Έτσι οι Γερμανοί έχοντας αυτά ως διδάγματα και διαβλέποντας την σημαντικότητα της θαλάσσιας νάρκης άρχισαν την μαζική παραγωγή ναρκών θεωρώντας τις ως ένα σύγχρονο και αποτελεσματικό επιθετικό όπλο, καταστρώνοντας παράλληλα σχέδια εκτεταμένης εφαρμογής ναρκοπεδίων σε περίπτωση ενός μεγάλου πολέμου.
Αντίθετα για το βρετανικό Βασιλικό Ναυτικό παρόλο ότι οι νάρκες είχαν εισαχθεί από το 1863 έμεινε πολύ βραδυκίνητο στους εξοπλισμού του βασιζόμενο στη Διάσκεψη της Χάγης που καθόριζε ότι οι νάρκες μπορούν να ποντίζονται μόνο σε εχθρικά χωρικά ύδατα, μη αντιλαμβανόμενο τη σπουδαιότητα του κινδύνου πόντισης ναρκών εις βάρος της από εχθρό. Διατηρούσε την πεποίθηση πως ναυτικές περίπολοι θ΄ απέτρεπαν οποιοδήποτε εχθρικό ναρκοβόλο να πλησιάσει τις ακτές. Κανείς όμως δεν είχε φανταστεί πως νάρκες θα πόντιζαν πλέον και τα υποβρύχια

[Επεξεργασία] Α' Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος

Γερμανική νάρκη του Α' Π.Π.

Όπως είναι φυσικό με την εξέλιξη που παρουσίασε η νάρκη τα καταστροφικά αποτελέσματα της χρήσης της κατά τη διάρκεια του Α' Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου ήταν πολύ περισσότερα από τις προηγούμενες ναυτικές επιχειρήσεις. Υπολογίζεται πως στο πόλεμο αυτό ποντίσθηκαν περίπου 240.000 νάρκες εκ των οποίων 172.000 από τους Αγγλο-Αμερικανούς, στη Βόρειο θάλασσα και στο στενό της Μάγχης, 12.300 από τους Ιταλούς, κυρίως στην Αδριατική, και 50.000 από τους Γερμανο-Αυστριακούς, σε διάφορες θάλασσες όπως και στα Δαρδανέλια.

Από τις γερμανικές νάρκες, με εξαίρεση κάποια αλιευτικά, απωλέσθηκαν 586 συμμαχικά εμπορικά πλοία ή ουδέτερα, συνολικής χωρητικότητας 1.112.000 τόνων, που αντιστοιχεί στο 8% των ολικών απωλειών της εμπορικής ναυτιλίας κατά τον πόλεμο.
Άξιο παρατήρησης είναι ότι οι 13.000 νάρκες που ποντίσθηκαν το 1917 προκάλεσαν την απώλεια 194 πλοίων 400.000 τόνων, ενώ οι 11.600 νάρκες που ποντίσθηκαν τον αμέσως επόμενο χρόνο, το 1918, κατέστρεψαν μόνο 47 πλοία, 57.000 τόνων. Η άνιση αυτή εικόνα έκδηλα φανερώνει την εξ αντιθέτου βελτίωση και ανάπτυξη μεθόδων ναρκαλιείας, καταστροφής ή και γρήγορου εντοπισμού των θαλάσσιων ναρκοπεδίων, με συνέπεια τη μείωση της καταστροφής των εμπορικών πλοίων.

Την περίοδο αυτή το Βρετανικό Ναυτικό, εξ αιτίας των ναρκών, απώλεσε 5 θωρηκτά, 3 καταδρομικά, 20 αντιτορπιλικά, 4 υποβρύχια και περισσότερα από 200 ναρκαλιευτικά και άλλα βοηθητικά σκάφη. Οι δε Γάλλοι από τον ίδιο λόγο απώλεσαν 1 θωρηκτό, 1 καταδρομικό, 7 αντιτορπιλικά, 1 υποβρύχιο και 27 περιπολικά. Οι δε Γερμανοί από το σύνολο των 178 απολεσθέντων υποβρυχίων τους τα 43 καταστράφηκαν από νάρκες.

[Επεξεργασία] Β' Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος

[Επεξεργασία] Τύποι ναρκών θαλάσσης

Σημειώνεται πως μέχρι το 1870 που εμφανίσθηκε η αυτοκίνητη τορπίλη Whitehead, αλλά και για αρκετές ναυτικές δυνάμεις Χωρών, μέχρι σχεδόν τον Α' Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, με τον όρο τορπίλη , που πρωτοχρησιμοποιήθηκε από τον Ρόμπερτ Φούλτον για υποβρύχιες γομώσεις, ονομάζονταν όλα τα πάσης φύσεως υποβρύχια εκρηκτικά μηχανήματα. Έτσι από τότε και μέχρι το 1916 η χρησιμοποίηση του όρου τορπίλη περιορίστηκε μόνο για τις αυτοκίνητες, οι δε επίθετικές νάρκες ονομάζονταν "τορπίλες αποκλεισμού" και οι αμυντικές ως απλές θαλάσσιες ή υποβρύχιες νάρκες, κατά τη σημερινή έννοια.

Στην αρχή οι νάρκες ήταν βαρέλια, περίεργα δοχεία με εκρηκτική ύλη, που άλλοτε επέπλεαν και άλλοτε κρέμονταν από πλωτήρες. Στους πολέμους 1904-1905 και 1914-1918 οι νάρκες έφεραν αγκύριο, δηλαδή το σημείο πόντισής τους ήταν και η θέση αγκυροβολίας τους, που είναι μέχρι σήμερα ο κοινός τύπος ναρκών. Η νάρκη του τύπου αυτού αποτελείται από δύο τμήματα, το κάτω που φέρει το αγκύριο και το τύμπανο εκτύλισης του σύρματος, (εξέλικτρο), και το πάνω μέρος, τον σφαιρικό πλωτήρα, που έφερε εντός την εκρηκτική ύλη, (περίπου 200 κιλά στον Α' Π.Π., και 400 κιλά στον Β' Π.Π.), και τους πυροκροτητές, ή μηχανισμό πυροδότησης.

  1. Νάρκες μετ΄ αγκυρίου Λέγονται οι θαλάσσιες νάρκες που φέρουν μικρή άγκυρα και συνεπώς μετά την πόντισή τους παραμένουν αγκυροβολημένες. Η υπεροχή των γερμανικών έναντι των αγγλικών ήταν μόνο στο ότι μπορούσαν να ποντισθούν σε μεγαλύτερα βάθη. Επίσης οι αγγλικές μετά την πόντισή τους αρχικά επέπλεαν και στη συνέχεια βυθίζονταν στο προβλεπόμενο βάθος, ενώ αντίθετα οι γερμανικές έφθαναν στο βυθό και από εκεί αναδύονταν στο επιθυμητό βάθος από την επιφάνεια της θάλασσας. Ο τύπος αυτός είναι ο συνηθέστερος μέχρι σήμερα.
  2. Νάρκες κεραίας (κρουστικές) Λέγονται οι νάρκες, αμερικανικής επινόησης του 1918, που εκτός από το αγκύριο φέρουν συρμάτινη κεραία στη πρόσκουση επι της οποίας ακολουθεί έκρηξη. Αυτές υπήρξαν πολύ επικίνδυνες ακόμη και για τα πλοία που τις πόντιζαν λόγω της ευπάθειας της κεραίας τους. Πολλές ανατινάξεις έγιναν κατά την πόντισή τους και γι΄ αυτό και τις καθαιρούσαν αργά.
  3. Νάρκες ηλεκτρικές Λέγονται εκείνες που ποντίζονται πλησίον των ακτών, προ εγκαταστάσεων στρατηγικού ενδιαφέροντος και πυροδοτούνται με καλώδιο από τη ξηρά.
  4. Νάρκες βυθού Λέγονται εκείνες που ποντιζόμενες φθάνουν στο βυθό και στη συνέχεια ανέρχονται στο επιθυμητό βάθος από την επιφάνεια της θαλάσσης.
  5. Νάρκες μαγνητικές Λεγονται εκείνες των οποίων ο πυροδοτικός μηχανισμός ενεργοποιείται εκ του μαγνητικού πεδίου της παραπλέουσας μεταλλικής μάζας (εχθρικού πλοίου), μέχρι ορισμένη απόσταση.
  6. Νάρκες ελεύθερες Λέγονται οι νάρκες που ποντίζονται στο ανοικτό πέλαγος κυρίως σε φυσικούς διαύλους, άνευ σχεδίου εγκατάστασης, προς παρεμπόδιση εχθρικών ελιγμών. Επίσης με τον ίδιο όρο αποκαλούνται και οι νάρκες που έχουν αποσυνδεθεί από το αγκύριο και επιπλέουν στην επιφάνεια παρασυρόμενες. Αυτές καθίστανται λίαν επικίνδυνες και για τις φίλιες δυνάμεις.
  7. Νάρκες πιέσεως Λέγονται εκείνες των οποίων ο πυροδοτικός μηχανισμός ενεργοποιείται σε οποιαδήποτε μεταβολή της πίεσης του ύδατος εκ παραπλέοντος πλοίου.
  8. Νάρκες ακουστικές Λέγονται εκείνες των οποίων ο πυροδοτικός μηχανισμός τείθεται σε λειτουργία με τη λήψη ηχητικών κυμάτων παραπλέουσας έλικας ή εγγύτερα και εκ των μηχανών διερχόμενου πλοίου.

[Επεξεργασία] Περιγραφή - πυροδότηση

Γενικά η νάρκη είναι μηχάνημα απλής κατασκευής που αποτελείται από δύο κύρια μέρη τον πλωτήρα ή σημαντήρα και το υπ΄ αυτόν κιβωτιόσχημο αγκύριο.
Ο πλωτήρας είναι ελασμάτινος, σφαιρικού ή παρεμφερούς κυρτού σχήματος, και περιέχει:
α) τη γόμωση, εκρηκτικό μίγμα εκ τροτύλης,
β) την εναυσματοδόχη μετά του εμπυρίου και
γ) τον πυροδοτικό μηχανισμό που συνδέεται με τα εξωτερικά κεράτια.
Το βάρος πάντως ενός γεμισμένου πλωτήρα νάρκης είναι καθορισμένο έτσι ώστε να διατηρείται θετική πλευστότητα. Ο πλωτήρας συνδέεται με το αγκύριο ελεύθερα που αποκρικούται απ΄ αυτόν κατά τη πόντιση ενώ η συνοχή τους διατηρείται με συρματόσχοινο που συνδέει τα δύο μέρη. Το αγκύριο, είναι γενικά ορθογωνίου σχήματος και φέρει το τύμπανο όπου περιελίσσεται το συρματόσχοινο πρόσδεσης του πλωτήρα, με επαρκές ρυθμιζόμενο μήκος, ανάλογα του βάθους πόντισης. Εξωτερικά του αγκυρίου φέρεται η βολίδα νάρκης που αποσπάται από τη θέση της ΄κατά την πόντιση όπου με τη βοήθεια επιβραδυντικού μηχνισμού εντείνει μικρού μήκους αλυσίδα ρυθμιζόμενη ανάλογα του επιθυμητού υπό την επιφάνεια της θαλάσσης "βάθους επίπλευσης".

Με την πόντιση και απόσπαση της βολίδας ελευθερώνεται το τύμπανο και το συρματόσχοινο εκτυλίσσεται έτσι ώστε ο μεν πλωτήρας (με θετική πλευστότητα) ν΄ ανέρχεται στην επιφάνεια, το δε αγκύριο, πληρούμενο με νερό να κατέρχεται στον πυθμένα. Μόλις η βολίδα φθάσει στο βυθό παύει και να ενεργεί με το βάρος της στην ελευθέρωση του χαλινού (καστάνιας) του τυμπάνου όπου αμέσως κλείνει και σταματά η συνέχιση της εκτύλιξης του συρματοσχοίνου. Λόγω όμως του βάρους του το αγκύριο εξακολουθεί να κατέρχεται παρασύροντας έτσι σε βύθιση τον πλωτήρα σε βάθος όσο και το έκταμα της αλυσίδας που ρυθμίζεται συνήθως από 2 μέχρι 8 μέτρα ή και σε 20 μάχρι 80 μέτρα σε περίπτωση ανθυποβρυχιακών φραγμάτων εκ ναρκών.

Η πυροδότηση της νάρκης για την έκρηξη του μίγματος σήμερα γίνετα κατά κανόνα ηλεκτρικά, όπου επιτυγχάνεται η έκρηξη του εμπυρίου που μεταδίδεται στο έναυσμα και τη γόμωση. Η κοινή ή μηχανική νάρκη φέρει εξωτερικά στο θόλο κάθετα κεράτια από μόλυβδο με μεταλλική βάση που κοχλιώνονται σε ειδικές εγκαθίσεις που εσωτερικά φέρουν γυάλινους κλειστούς σωλήνες γεμάτους με οξύ (μίγμα θειικού οξέος και διχρωμικού καλίου) στη συνέχεια αυτών φέρονται εσωτερικά κυλινδρικά δοχεία που περιέχουν ηλεκτρικές στήλες από ψυδάργυρο και άνθρακα, οι οποίες και συνδέονται με καλώδια με τους ακροδέκτες του μηχανισμού πυροδότησης. Όταν ένα πλοίο επιπέσει σε κεράτιο νάρκης αυτό κάμπτεται και σπάει ο εσωτερικός σωλήνας οπότε το φερόμενο οξύ εκχύνεται στις στήλες και το παραγόμενο έτσι ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα διοχετεύεται δια των κλωδίων στον μηχανισμό πυροδότησης.

  • Γενικά ο μηχανισμός πυροδότησης συνδέεται με ασφαλιστική διάταξη η οποία και ν΄ αποκλείει τη λειτουργία του, συνεπώς την έκρηξη της νάρκης, όταν αυτή για οποιοδήποτε λόγο αποσπασθεί από το αγκύριο και επιπλέει έρμαιη. Πόσο όμως βέβαιος μπορεί να είναι κανείς στη θέα της αν πράγματι η εν λόγω διάταξη λειτουργεί καλώς και μάλιστα μετά από μακρύ χρόνο από κατασκευής;

Σάββατο 25 Απριλίου 2009

Spyro το Dragon Λύσεις

Flying Gates
To find the gates to the flying levels on each world, follow these instructions. Για να βρείτε τις πύλες του για το που φέρουν τα επίπεδα σε κάθε κόσμο, ακολουθήστε τις παρακάτω οδηγίες.

Artisans: In the Artisan world jump on all 5 stones on the waterfall near the begining of the area.?It will then reveal "Sunny Flight". Artisans: Στον κόσμο Artisan άλμα στις 5 πέτρες για τον καταρράκτη κοντά στην αρχή της περιοχής.; Στη συνέχεια, θα αποκαλύψει "Sunny Flight".

Peace Keepers: use the cannon near the "Dr. Shemp" level and blast the target on the big rock. Ειρήνη Φύλακες: η χρήση πυροβόλων κοντά στο "Δρ Shemp" ωστικό κύμα και το επίπεδο-στόχο για το μεγάλο βράχο. This cannon will also get you the unbreakable box. Αυτό το κανόνι θα φέρω το άθραυστος κουτί.

Magic Crafters: the gate is next to a dragon in the area you can get to in the cave near the supercharge spot. Magic Crafters: η πύλη είναι δίπλα σε ένα δράκο στην περιοχή μπορείτε να φτάσετε στο σπήλαιο κοντά στο επιβαρύνω υπερβολικά τόπου.

Beast Makers: jump in the tree stump near the area with the warthogs and the big building holding treasure. Κτήνος Makers: άλμα στο κούτσουρο δέντρο κοντά στην περιοχή με την warthogs και το μεγάλο κτίριο που κατέχουν θησαυρό. There is a dragon next to the stump. Υπάρχει ένα δράκο δίπλα στο κούτσουρο.

Dream Weavers: go to the center of the world and blast the two guards guarding the stairway you couldnt get past before. Dream υφαντών: πάμε προς το κέντρο του κόσμου και την έκρηξη των δύο φρουρών φύλαξης την σκάλα σας couldnt get παρελθόν πριν. kill the guards and go up the stairs and jump across a series of jumps, leading to the gate.? σκοτώσουμε τους φύλακες και ανεβείτε τις σκάλες και μετάβαση σε μια σειρά από άλματα, που οδηγεί στην πύλη.;

Submitted by blastinator@yahoo.com and Jacob Gallay (Sushi32@aol.com) Υποβλήθηκε από blastinator@yahoo.com και Jacob Gallay (Sushi32@aol.com)
Hidden Jewels in Beast Makers: Tree Tops Κρυφό Κοσμώ στο Κτήνος Makers: Δέντρο κορυφές
For a hard to reach set of jewels, a dragon and a thief with a 25 jewel follow the green thief of the dragon eggs through the window, bearing off to your left at the begginning of the stage.? Για να επιτευχθεί ένα σκληρό σύνολο κοσμήματα, ένα δράκο και κλέφτης με 25 κόσμημα ακολουθήσει το πράσινο κλέφτης του δράκου αυγά με το παράθυρο, για να σας φέρουν από αριστερά στο begginning του φάση.? He will lead you all the way there through a series of super charges. Αυτός θα σας οδηγήσει σε όλη τη εκεί μέσα από μια σειρά σούπερ επιβαρύνσεις.

For the other jewels, instead of going through the window go right and jump off the platform down to the red thief waiting for a good chase. Για τα άλλα κοσμήματα, αντί να προχωρήσει μέσα από το παράθυρο δεξιά και πηδούν από το βήμα προς τα κάτω στο κόκκινο κλέφτη περιμένει ένα καλό ψητό.

Follow this thief through another series of super charges. Ακολουθήστε αυτό τον κλέφτη μέσα από μια άλλη σειρά σούπερ επιβαρύνσεις. You need all the gems in every stage to get into Nasty's treasure vault. Θα πρέπει όλοι οι πολύτιμοι λίθοι σε κάθε στάδιο να μπει σε Nasty θόλος του θησαυρού.

Submitted by Mystik Cornish (Bigbird@worldnet.att.net) Υποβλήθηκε από Mystik Κορνουάλης (Bigbird@worldnet.att.net)
Run Faster Ταχύτερη κίνηση
To run faster, hold the RUN and JUMP buttons simultaneously. Για να τρέχει γρηγορότερα, κρατήστε το RUN και JUMP κουμπιά ταυτόχρονα.
Submitted by Noah (Gamingguy1@aol.com) Υποβλήθηκε από Νώε (Gamingguy1@aol.com)
Secret in Dream Weavers: Haunted Towers Μυστική στο Dream υφαντών: στοιχειωμένο Πύργοι
To get to the other jewels located in a secret part of the castle super charge down the only super charge ramp in the level and keep super charging through the last door to your right when you enter the room with many doors and when you get through that door, super charge to the left. Για να φτάσουμε στην άλλη κοσμήματα που βρίσκονται σε ένα μυστικό μέρος του κάστρου σούπερ χρέωση προβλέπεται η μόνη υπερδύναμη χρέωση ράμπα του επιπέδου και να διατηρήσουν σούπερ χρέωσης από την τελευταία πόρτα στα δεξιά σας, όταν μπείτε στο δωμάτιο με πολλές πόρτες και όταν περάσει η πόρτα, σούπερ χρέωση προς τα αριστερά.

When you are charging you will go off to the left to the entrance of the castle. Όταν σας χρέωσης θα ηχήσει στα αριστερά προς την είσοδο του κάστρου. Go up the first ramp you entered. Πηγαίνετε μέχρι την πρώτη ράμπα που δώσατε. Super charge jump off the ramp to the secret entrance. Super χρέωση πηδούν από το κεκλιμένο επίπεδο με τη μυστική είσοδο. You must be super charging throughout this whole part. Θα πρέπει να είστε σούπερ χρέωση σε ολόκληρο το παρόν μέρος σύνολο.

After a while you will come to a staircase full of armoured ghosts so be quick to fry the wizard at the top of the stairs.?Get a kiss from the fairy (this fairy kiss lasts forever) and kill all the ghosts. Μετά από λίγο θα έρθει σε μια σκάλα γεμάτη από φαντάσματα, ώστε να είναι θωρακισμένα γρήγορη να τηγανίζουμε τον οδηγό στο επάνω μέρος της σκάλας.? Αποκτήστε ένα φιλί από τη νεράιδα (αυτό το παραμυθένιο φιλί διαρκεί για πάντα) και να σκοτώσει όλα τα φαντάσματα. Now burn open the locked treasure trunk for a surprise. Τώρα καίγονται ανοίξει το πορτ μπαγκάζ κλειδωμένο θησαυρός για μια έκπληξη.

Submitted by Mystik Cornish (Bigbird@worldnet.att.net) Υποβλήθηκε από Mystik Κορνουάλης (Bigbird@worldnet.att.net)
Double Supercharge at Wizards Peak Επιβαρύνω υπερβολικά σε διπλό Wizards Peak
To get a Double Supercharge at Wizards Peak line Spyro up with the Supercharge arrows pointing down the first hill. Για να έχετε ένα διπλό επιβαρύνω υπερβολικά σε Wizards Peak Spyro γραμμή με την επιβαρύνω υπερβολικά κάτω βέλη δείχνουν το πρώτο λόφο. Charge down the hill and Spyros feet will turn yellow. Φόρτιση κάτω από το λόφο και Σπύρος πόδια θα στραφεί κίτρινο. Then while Super Charging, take a right and go down the next hill with arrows. Στη συνέχεια, ενώ Super Φόρτιση, λαμβάνει ένα δικαίωμα και να πέσει το επόμενο λόφο με βέλη. Spyros feet will turn orange-red. Σπύρος πόδια θα στραφεί πορτοκαλί-κόκκινο. This lets you get to some hard to reach places on this level. Αυτό σας επιτρέπει να φτάσετε στο σκληρό κάποιες θέσεις για να φτάσει αυτό το επίπεδο.
Submitted by Ray Hart (RAH1127@aol.com) Υποβλήθηκε από Ray Hart (RAH1127@aol.com)
Secret level in Gnasty's World Μυστική Gnasty στο επίπεδο του Παγκόσμιου
To get this level, you must successfully beat the game with 100% at the end. Για να πάρετε αυτό το επίπεδο, θα πρέπει να κερδίσει με επιτυχία το παιχνίδι με το 100% στο τέλος. Then, go to Gnasty's World and walk up to the green dragon head. Στη συνέχεια, πηγαίνετε στο Gnasty κόσμο και περπάτημα μέχρι το πράσινο δράκο κεφάλι. This head will open and reveal a secret level called Gnasty's loot. Αυτό θα ανοίξει το κεφάλι και να αποκαλύψει ένα μυστικό που ονομάζεται επίπεδο της Gnasty πλιάτσικο.
Submitted by Justin Puckett (stroker@magicnet.net) Υποβλήθηκε από Justin Puckett (stroker@magicnet.net)
Cheat Death Εξαπατήσει Θάνατος
This trick works for any world and in any level except the home levels. Το κόλπο λειτουργεί για κάθε κόσμο και σε κάθε επίπεδο, εκτός από το σπίτι επίπεδα. If you fall off a cliff, ledge, etc., You can just hit pause and exit the level. Αν πέσουν ένα βράχο, περβάζι, κ.λπ., μπορείτε απλά να πατήσετε παύση και το επίπεδο εξόδου. This way you end up at the portal to that particular level in the home level, and have saved your life. Με αυτό τον τρόπο θα καταλήξουμε σε πύλη για το συγκεκριμένο επίπεδο στο σπίτι επίπεδο, και η ζωή σας έχει αποθηκευτεί.
Submitted by amin khaliqi (akhaliqi@hotmail.com) Υποβλήθηκε από Amin khaliqi (akhaliqi@hotmail.com)
Marco the Balloonist Marco την Balloonist
To travel to the Peacekeeper's World without having the prescribed number of gems, return to the beginning of the runway, run at Marco and jump onto his head. Για να ταξιδέψετε στις Peacekeeper του Παγκοσμίου, χωρίς τον προβλεπόμενο αριθμό GEMS, επιστροφή στην αρχή του διαδρόμου, που αναπτύσσονται σε Μάρκου και πηδούν πάνω από το κεφάλι του. You will be able to bounce into the balloon and head to the Peacekeeper's World. Θα είστε σε θέση να σπάσουμε το μπαλόνι και το κεφάλι προς τα Peacekeeper κόσμο.
Submitted by Jim Jones (jrjones@qgraph.com) Υποβλήθηκε από τον Jim Jones (jrjones@qgraph.com)
Secret in Dream Weavers: Dark Passage Μυστική στο Dream υφαντών: Dark Passage
To get 2 dragons and almost half the jewels in Dark Passage, Proceed normally until you get to the area where you kill the two dogs and devil archer. Για να πάρετε 2 δράκους και σχεδόν το ήμισυ του Dark κοσμήματα σε διάβαση, Προχωρήστε κανονικά μέχρι να φτάσετε στο χώρο όπου θα σκοτώσει τους δύο σκύλους και διάβολος archer. Look across the pit and you will see this ledge. Αναζητήστε σε ολόκληρη την τάφρο και θα δείτε αυτό το περβάζι. Glide across to it and into the open area. Γλιστρώ σε όλη σε αυτή και στην ανοικτή περιοχή. Go to the end of this section and look down. You'll see another area. Πηγαίνετε στο τέλος του παρόντος τμήματος και κοιτάς κάτω. Θα δείτε έναν άλλο τομέα. Glide down to it and you'll be in the section across from the beginning. Γλιστρώ προβλέπονται σε αυτή και θα σας στο σημείο απέναντι από την αρχή.
Submitted by caw_14@hotmail.com Υποβλήθηκε από caw_14@hotmail.com
Beating the Bosses Κερδίζοντας τα αφεντικά
Artisans : Toasty Artisans: Toasty

Flame the dogs then flame Toasty . Φλόγα τα σκυλιά τότε φλόγας Toasty. He takes 3 hits. Παίρνει 3 hits.
Peace Keepers : Docter Shemp Ειρήνη Φύλακες: Docter Shemp

1st hit : Jump and then hit him when goes back. 1ο hit: μετάβαση και στη συνέχεια τον χτύπησε όταν πηγαίνει πίσω.

2nd hit :Wait until he turns around then hit him. 2ο hit: Περιμένετε μέχρι να γυρίζει γύρω από τότε τον χτύπησε.

3rd hit : Jump the staff then hit him when he turns around. 3ο hit: μετάβαση του προσωπικού στη συνέχεια τον χτύπησε όταν γυρίζει γύρω.
Magic Crafters : Blowhard Magic Crafters: Blowhard

Flame him before he makes a Spyro-sized storm . Φλόγα τον πριν κάνει Spyro μεγέθους θύελλα. He takes 3 hits. Παίρνει 3 hits.
Beast Makers : Metalhead Κτήνος Makers: Metalhead

Hit the poles when their green or let Metalhead help . Πατήστε το πόλων όταν τους πράσινο ή αφήστε Metalhead βοηθήσει. He takes 2 hits Παίρνει 2 hits
Dream Weavers : Jaques Dream υφαντών: Jaques

Chase him and flame him when he's on the purple platforms . Chase φλόγα αυτόν τον ίδιο και όταν της σχετικά με τη μοβ πλατφόρμες. He takes 3 hits. Παίρνει 3 hits.
Gnasty Gnorc Gnasty Gnorc

Get the keys the thieves stole . Πάρε τα κλειδιά της έκλεψε κλέφτες. Use the 2nd key on the Gnorc . Χρησιμοποιήστε το 2ο κλειδί για την Gnorc. Chase him then hit him when he's on the platform . Chase τον τότε τον χτύπησε όταν του σχετικά με την πλατφόρμα. Jump on the platforms quick before their in the wall . Μετάβαση στις πλατφόρμες γρήγορη πριν τους στον τοίχο. Then hit him and enjoy the ending ! Τότε, τον χτύπησε και να απολαύσετε το τέλος!

Submitted by Andrea Misir (andrea.misir@mailcity.com) Υποβλήθηκε από Andrea Misir (andrea.misir @ mailcity.com)
Level Select Επίπεδο Επιλογή
During game play pause and go to the inventory screen. Κατά τη διάρκεια του παιχνιδιού και να πάμε να διακόψετε την απογραφή οθόνη. Now press Square, Square, Circle, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Up, Right, Down. Τώρα πατήστε Square, Square, Circle, αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, Circle, Up, δεξιά, κάτω. When you go to a ballonist you'll have access to all levels. Όταν πάω σε ένα ballonist θα έχετε πρόσβαση σε όλα τα επίπεδα.
Submitted by Shalin Stidd Υποβλήθηκε από Shalin Stidd
Crash Bandicoot Warped secret demo Crash Bandicoot στραβωμένος μυστικό demo
To unlock the secret playable demo of crash bandicoot WARPED hold L1 & triangle buttons at the new/ load game menu screen. Για να ξεκλειδώσετε το μυστικό playable demo του crash bandicoot στραβωμένος κρατήστε L1 & τρίγωνο κουμπιά στο νέο / φορτίο μενού του παιχνιδιού οθόνη.
Submitted by creampuff Υποβλήθηκε από creampuff
Extra Lives Έξτρα Lives
Go to the inventory screen, press square 6 times, then press circle, up, circle, left, circle, right, circle. Πήγαινε στην απογραφή οθόνη, πατήστε το τετράγωνο 6 φορές και στη συνέχεια πιέστε κύκλο, μέχρι, κύκλο, αριστερά, κύκλος, δικαίωμα, κύκλος. Then press the select button. Στη συνέχεια, πατήστε το κουμπί Επιλογή. This will return you to play and your lives will start climbing to 99. Αυτό θα σας επιστρέψει να παίξει και η ζωή σας θα αρχίσουν να αναρρίχηση 99.
Submitted by JF Manahan Υποβλήθηκε από JF Manahan
Get 99 Lives Λάβετε 99 Lives
Press select to go to the inventory screen, then press square 6 times, then circle, up, circle, left, circle, right, circle, then select to go back into the game, and you lives will now go up to 99. Πατήστε Επιλογή για να μεταβείτε στην απογραφή οθόνη, στη συνέχεια, πατήστε πλατεία 6 φορές, τότε κύκλο, μέχρι, κύκλο, αριστερά, κύκλος, δικαίωμα, κύκλος, στη συνέχεια, επιλέξτε να επιστρέψει στο παιχνίδι, και η ζωή σας θα είναι τώρα να ανέλθει σε 99.
Submitted by Oedive Υποβλήθηκε από Oedive

Spyro 2: Ripto του Rage Λύσεις & Συμβουλές

Κολύμπι, headbash και αναρρίχηση Ικανότητες
Pause during a game and press Circle (x4), Square to obtain the swimming, headbash and swimming abilities without going to the respective levels and buying them from Moneybags. Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Circle (x4), την πλατεία για να αποκτήσετε την κολύμβηση, κολύμπι headbash και ικανότητες, χωρίς να εισέλθει στην αντίστοιχη αγορά τους και από Moneybags.

Find Gems Βρείτε Gems
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and Sparks will point you in the direction of the nearest Gem. Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 και σπινθήρες σημείο θα σας προς την κατεύθυνση του πλησιέστερου Gem.

Big head mode Μεγάλο κεφάλι λειτουργία
Pause during a game and press Up (x4), R1 (x4), Circle to increase the size of Spyro's head. Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Up (x4), R1 (x4), Circle στην αύξηση του μεγέθους της Spyro κεφάλι.

Flat mode Πλατέα λειτουργία
Pause during a game and press Left, Right, Left, Right, L2, R2, L2, R2, Square . Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πατήστε αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, L2, R2, L2, R2, Square.

Crash Team Racing demo Crash Team Racing demo
At the Title Screen, hold L1 + R2 and press Square . Κατά τη Τίτλος οθόνης, κρατήστε L1 + R2 και πατήστε Square.

Invincibility Αήττητο submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Square, Circle (x4), X, Square, Circle, L1 . Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Square, Circle (x4), X, Square, Circle, L1.
All abilities Όλες οι ικανότητες submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Circle (x4), Square . Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Circle (x4), την πλατεία.
Big Head Mode Big Head Mode submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Up (x4), R (x4), Circle . Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Up (x4), R (x4), Circle.
Note: You can't have Flat Mode and Big Head mode at same time. Σημείωση: Δεν μπορείτε να έχετε επίπεδη Mode και Big Head τρόπο στο ίδιο χρονικό διάστημα.
Flat Mode Flat Mode submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Left, Right, Left, Right, L2, R2, L2, R2, Square Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πατήστε αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, L2, R2, L2, R2, Square
Note: You can't have Flat Mode and Big Head mode at same time. Σημείωση: Δεν μπορείτε να έχετε επίπεδη Mode και Big Head τρόπο στο ίδιο χρονικό διάστημα.
Superfly Superfly submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press L1, L2, R2, R2, L1, R1 Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε L1, L2, R2, R2, L1, R1
Superflame Superflame submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press X, X, X, X, Circle, Circle, Square, Left Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πατήστε το πλήκτρο X, X, X, X, Circle, Circle, Square, Left
Superfreeze Superfreeze submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press L1, L2, R1 x4, Triangle Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε L1, L2, R1 x4, Τρίγωνο
Level Select Επίπεδο Επιλογή submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Square, Square, Circle, Square, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Up, Right, Down Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Square, Square, Circle, Square, αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, Circle, Up, δεξιά, κάτω
Extra Hit Color Extra Hit Χρώμα submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Square, Up, Square, down, Square, Left, Square, Right, Circle Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Square, Up, Square, κάτω, στην πλατεία, Αριστερά, Πλατεία, Δεξιά, Circle
99 Lives 99 Lives submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Circle, Up, Circle, Left, Circle, Right, Circle Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Circle, Up, Circle, Left, Circle, Δεξιά, Circle
Crash2 Demo Crash2 Demo submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
At title screen hold L1, R2, then press Square . Κατά τίτλο οθόνη κρατήστε L1, R2, στη συνέχεια, πατήστε Square.
Crash3 Demo Crash3 Demo submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
At title screen hold L1, Triangle . Κατά τίτλο οθόνη κρατήστε L1, Τρίγωνο.
Add 10 Orbs Προστίθενται 10 Orbs submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Square (x10), Circle Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Πλατεία (x10), Circle
NOTE: you can only use this once ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε μόνο μία φορά αυτή την
Add 13 Orbs Προσθήκη 13 Orbs submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Pause during a game and press Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Left (x5), Down (x5) Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Αριστερά (x5), Down (x5)

Change Spyro's color Αλλαγή του χρώματος Spyro
To change Spyro's color, pause during a game, and enter one of the following codes: Για να αλλάξετε το χρώμα Spyro, παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού, και να τεθεί ένα από τους ακόλουθους κωδικούς:

Red Spyro : Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Circle. Red Spyro: Επάνω, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Circle.

Blue Spryo : Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X. Blue Spryo: Επάνω, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, X.

Pink Spryo : Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square. Ροζ Spryo: Επάνω, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Πλατεία.

Green Spryo : Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Triangle. Πράσινη Spryo: Επάνω, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, τρίγωνο.

Yellow Spryo : Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up (x2). Κίτρινο Spryo: Επάνω, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω (x2).

Black Spryo : Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down. Black Spryo: Πάνω, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, πάνω, κάτω.

Fill Breezwood Συμπληρώστε Breezwood submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
First, head over to the pool with shallow water. Πρώτον, το κεφάλι πάνω από την πισίνα με ρηχά νερά. Kill all the enemies nearby, then set the logs near the pool on fire. Σκότωσε όλους τους εχθρούς γύρω από το ξενοδοχείο, τότε που οι κορμοί κοντά στην πισίνα για φωτιά. The water level should be even with one of the stairs. Το επίπεδο του νερού θα πρέπει να είναι ακόμη και με μία από τις σκάλες. Swim there, then hug the wall to the Right. Κολυμπήστε εκεί, στη συνέχεια, αγκαλιά του τοίχου προς τα δεξιά. You should be at the top Right corner of the step. Θα πρέπει να βρίσκεται στην πάνω δεξιά γωνία της βήμα. Now without pressing any directional buttons, dive. Τώρα, χωρίς να πιέζετε πλήκτρα κατευθυντικές, βουτιά. All of Breezwood should be under water. Όλα Breezwood θα πρέπει να είναι κάτω από το νερό.

Note: Even though this makes the trolly ride easier, don't get on the trolly. Σημείωση: Ακόμη και αν αυτό καθιστά ευκολότερη την trolly βόλτα, δεν έχουν για την trolly. Just swim on the track, as if the trolly wasn't there. Απλά κολυμπήσετε σε τροχιά, όπως και αν το trolly δεν ήταν εκεί.

Fill Sunny Beach Συμπληρώστε Sunny Beach submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Go to the ladder where the old turtle is standing and climb up it. Πηγαίνετε να τη σκάλα, όπου το παλιό χελώνα είναι πάγιες και θα ανέβει. Go to the chef but don't except his challenge. Πήγαινε στο σεφ, αλλά δεν με εξαίρεση την πρόκληση. Instead, jump into the water on the side, sticking close to the wall. Αντίθετα, άλμα στο νερό προς την πλευρά, κολλώντας κοντά στον τοίχο. Swim to where the pipe is, then go half way to the surface of the water. Κολυμπήστε στο σημείο όπου ο σωλήνας είναι, στη συνέχεια, προχωρήστε στη μέση με την επιφάνεια του νερού. Stay to the wall with steps, heading back to the chef. Μείνε στον τοίχο με τα βήματα, η επιστροφή στην κατηγορία σεφ. All of Sunny Beach shoud be submerged in water. Όλα Sunny Beach, θα πρέπει να βυθιστεί στο νερό.
Swim In The Air On Sunny Beach Κολυμπήστε στον αέρα Στις Sunny Beach submitted by Beta-Raptor - zacharyfriedman@home.com υποβάλλονται από β-RAPTOR - zacharyfriedman@home.com
Go up the ladder to where the chef is, then run towards the pot so the camera view changes. Πηγαίνετε μέχρι τη σκάλα να όπου ο σεφ είναι, τότε τρέχει προς το ποτ, ώστε η κάμερα προβάλετε τις αλλαγές. Jump into the water so the camera view doesn't change (do this by sticking as close to the wall as possible). Μετάβαση στο νερό, ώστε η κάμερα δεν αλλάξει άποψη (το κάνουμε αυτό από την επικόλληση, όπως κοντά στο τείχος του δυνατού). Swim around until the camera view changes. Κολυμπήστε περίπου, μέχρι την κάμερα προβάλετε τις αλλαγές. You will automatically be brought before the chef and will be swimming in the air. Μπορείτε αυτόματα θα προσαχθούν ενώπιον του σεφ και θα είναι το κολύμπι στον αέρα.
Note: You will not be able to swim in the air if you swim on water. Σημείωση: Δεν θα μπορείτε να κολυμπήσετε στον αέρα αν κολυμπούν στο νερό.

View credits Δείτε πιστώσεις
Pause during a game and press Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right . Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και πιέστε Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά.

spyro 3 cheat


Cheat Codes Εξαπατήσει Κώδικες
Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια του παιχνιδιού και πληκτρολογήστε τους εξής κωδικούς. Θα ακούσετε έναν ήχο για να αναφερθεί ο κωδικός που έχει εγγραφεί σωστά.

Effect Επιπτώσεις Code Κωδικός
Extra lives** Extra ζωή ** R2, L2, R2, L2, Up (x4), Circle R2, L2, R2, L2, Up (x4), Circle
Extra hit points Έξτρα σημεία που έχουν πληγεί Circle, R1, Circle, L1, Circle, R2, Circle, L2, Circle Circle, R1, Circle, L1, Circle, R2, Circle, L2, Circle
Toggle Big Head mode Toggle Big Head λειτουργία Up, R1, Up, R1, Up, R1, Circle (x4) Up, R1, Up, R1, Up, R1, Circle (x4)
Toggle Flat mode Toggle Πλατέα λειτουργία Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, R1, L1, R1, Square, Circle Αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, L1, R1, L1, R1, Square, Circle
Toggle Sparx treasure finding Toggle Sparx διαπίστωση θησαυρός Right (x2), Left (x2), Right (x2), Left (x2), Circle (x3) Δικαίωμα (x2), Αριστερά (x2), Δεξιά (x2), Αριστερά (x2), Circle (x3)
Toggle Squishy skateboard Toggle Squishy skateboard Up (x2), Left (x2), Right (x2), Down (x2), Circle, Square Up (x2), Αριστερά (x2), Δεξιά (x2), Down (x2), Circle, Square
Toggle Easy mode Toggle Εύκολη λειτουργία Circle, Square, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, X Circle, Square, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, Square, Circle, X
Toggle Hard mode Toggle σκληρό τρόπο Circle, Square, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square Circle, Square, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, Square, Circle, Square
View credits Δείτε πιστώσεις Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle Αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, αριστερά, δεξιά, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle

** Note: This code will not work anymore once you move to a new land. ** Σημείωση: Ο κωδικός αυτός δεν λειτουργεί πλέον αφού μετακινήσετε σε μια νέα γη. Activate this code at the start of the game and the lives will remain with you throughout. Ενεργοποιήστε τον κωδικό αυτό κατά την έναρξη του παιχνιδιού και η ζωή θα παραμείνει μαζί σας ολόκληρη.

Change Spyro's color Αλλαγή του χρώματος Spyro
Pause during a game and enter the following codes to change Spyro's color. Παύση κατά τη διάρκεια ενός παιχνιδιού και εισάγετε τους ακόλουθους κωδικούς για να αλλάξετε το χρώμα Spyro. You will hear a sound when the code is entered. Θα ακούσετε έναν ήχο όταν ο κώδικας είναι εγγεγραμμένος.

Spyro color Spyro χρώμα Code Κωδικός
black μαύρο Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, πάνω, κάτω
blue μπλε Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, X Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, πάνω, X
green πράσινο Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Triangle Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, πάνω, Τρίγωνο
pink ροζ Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, πάνω, Πλατεία
red κόκκινο Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Circle Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, πάνω, Circle
yellow κίτρινο Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Up Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, πάνω, Up
purple μωβ Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right Επάνω, Αριστερά, κάτω, δεξιά, επάνω, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, δεξιά, κάτω, αριστερά, πάνω, δεξιά

Crash bash demo Crash bash demo
At the Title Screen, hold L1 + R2 and press Square . Κατά τη Τίτλος οθόνης, κρατήστε L1 + R2 και πατήστε Square.

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 by Kuniochi 女.

Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2009



GC-01 Galaxy Convoy
The Autobots' leader gets a very Gundam-style makeover for Galaxy Force. Following on from Robots In Disguise/Car Robots, Galaxy Convoy is a very futuristic firetruck. The cab and bed form the basic robot, and the trailer is added for 'SuperMode'.

Bizarrely, the front of the firetruck splits in half and forms the shoulders. The robot's chest is basically superfluous detail as far as the firetruck goes. In standard mode, he looks a little disproportionate - very top heavy and with big, fat arms. SuperMode sorts this out, lengthening his legs slightly, giving him bigger feet, and adding the wings and guns. His arms stay the same length, though, and look rather stubby in any of his SuperModes.

Overall, a very detailed and posable model, and the switchable faceplate is a clever move. Rather a lot of the robot is visible in firetruck mode, but it doesn't detract too much. His key-activated gimmicks are in his guns - one sprouts missile launchers, the other opens to become even more powerful... or something.

GC-02 Exillion
Predictably, Exillion has been renamed Hot Shot for the Western market. Can't understand why (other than to keep hold of existing names and/or provide some form of continuity between toy lines) as Exillion is a good name for such a sleek, speedy bot.

Like Galaxy Convoy, the front of the car splits to become the shoulders. That's about where the similarities end, though. There are clear elements of homage to the Gen 1 character of Hot Rod, indeed, their was an exclusive repaint available in Hot Rod colours.

The production model isn't quite as posable as the version pictured on the box. The hips have a far smaller range of motion and tend to be a little on the loose side.

Exillion's key-activated gimmick is pretty dull - car mode sprouts translucent yellow wings.

GC-03 Vector Prime
An ancient transformer from the early days of Cybertron, supposedly. This is an incredibly ornate model, full of molded detail. The only downer is that the demo model has a much better paint job, which showed up more of the molded detail than the final model's dull, off-white plastic.

Vector Prime carries a sword and has a Mini-Con partner, Roots, who turns into a small gunship, and can attach to Vector Prime's arms as a weapon. He has the look of a rather portly samurai warrior wearing battle armour. He's very posable, and his 'cape' - wings in his alternative mode - don't even get in the way.

Spacecraft mode is just as ornate and impressive as robot mode, though it looks very much like something out of Star Wars or Star Trek. There is a missile launcher on the nose of the ship, but Roots can attach to the top of the nose for extra firepower.

As far as I can make out, his key-activated feature is nothing more than a mechanical sound effect, possibly for transformation.

GC-04 Dreadrock
Another one who suffered from a bizarre renaming for the Western market, Dreadrock became Jetfire. He's some sort of military carrier plane going by the underside - lots of cargo space.

With a clever transformation, Dreadrock becomes a rather chunky robot with huge shoulderpads - the plane's wings. He's not always entirely stable in robot mode, thanks to the electronics in the tail section, which folds up to his back. The only real problem with this robot is the huge space between his chest (the nose of the plane) and his back, making him look rather incomplete.

His key-activated gimmick is a real let-down - the tail guns pop out. Still, the sound effects (which change thanks to an extra button on the tail section) are pretty good... even if it's not quite clear what some of them are...

GC-05 Jackshot
Bought at Forbidden Planet, along with Energon Starscream, Jackshot is one of the very basic Galaxy Force models. In many ways, he seems to be a cross between Brawn, the Gen1 Mini-Autobot, and Marvel's Wolverine. Looking at his vehicle mode, he really should have been called Brawn (with a beige repaint called Outback?), or possibly Hound. The Wolverine connection is unmissable in robot mode - he has claws on each hand, and his head looks quite a bit like the original 'yellow spandex' Wolverine from the comics.

Because of his transformation, his lower arms are molded at an angle, which can make interesting poses rather a challenge, but those huge wheels don't help much either.

The whole front of the vehicle - windscreen included - goes to make his lower legs, so his knees look really odd. And having such large lower legs coupled with really stick-like thighs doesn't really do Jackshot any favours.

His 'ignition' gimmick is a wopping great missile fired from his chest. He looks really odd without it, but the tail of the missile sticks quite a way out of his back in both robot and vehicle modes, so he looks really odd either way.

Jackshot doesn't come with any extra weapons - more of a hand-to-hand combat 'bot, I guess - but he does have the option of using weapons from other characters... if his crazy arms actually allow him to aim straight, that is.

GC-09 Guardshell (Cybertron Landmine)
I'm almost surprised that Hasbro hasn't given this fella a Constructicon Green repaint... but, so far, Guardshell remains unique. For a model of this size in the Galaxy Force/Cybertron line, he also has a fairly intricate transformation, with all sorts of little details worked in.

The downside to this is that he has some very awkward parts hanging off in awkward places - the worst being the two halves of the shovel sprouting from his wrists. They don't have a huge impact on posability, though, so it could be said that they're 'decoration'.

His key-activated gimmick is rather different from all of the other models. Rather than simply plugging in a key to activate something, the key must be turned in the slot in each of the back wheels. This causes small spikes or blades to pop out from the tyres. All things considered, this is possibly one of the most useless gimmicks in the entire line. The spikes can't be much use in vehicle mode (unless they're for extra grip on unstable surfaces), and they're mounted on his back in robot mode. They can swing upward, but they're still behind his shoulders, so I can't see what good they'd be in most situations. Both can be spun using a wheel which sticks out between them, but it doesn't always work as it doesn't always make good contact.

Still, at least he's armed with a very large gun, even if it does look more like a piston than a pistol.

Guardshell is very well jointed and is a much better model in person than in any photos.

GC-11 First Aid
By all accounts, this one is quite hard to find. Certainly, he'd sold out at all my usual internet-based suppliers, so I snapped him up at Memorabilia, along with Dark Fang Wolf.

Transformation is broadly quite similar to Jackshot, only slightly different. His legs are made from the front and back of his vehicle mode (a chunky ambulance), thanks to a clever bit of toy engineering. This makes his lower legs look just like Jackshot's, with the windscreen at the knee. Unlike Jackshot, however, the bonnet of the car/his shins open up to reveal storage space for his two arm attachments - a claw and a hammer.

His ignition gimmick is simple, and the spring-loaded action is instantaneous: the back sides of the car mode (or his backpack, depending on which mode he's in) pop open, allowing a pair of guns to emerge.

The light piping on First Aid's head is unusual in that the light 'input' is the pair of red bobbles on the sides of his head, rather than a large patch on the back of his head. This means the effect is not as strong as with many of the other figures.

GC-13 Autolander
Also snatched up at Forbidden Planet, but on a separate occasion, after he'd sold out just about everywhere else. Yet again, I paid a premium... so was he worth it?

Well, with a rather strange, yet satisfying transformation - simple, and similar in many ways to the Gen 1 Mini Autobots - he has some strange physical quirks. His upper legs are very thin, leading to flared lower legs. He has a very powerful looking upper body, with a heavy chest, huge shoulders (mostly thanks to the vehicle mode's rear wheels) and... tiny forearms. The front of the vehicle sticks up on his back.

Autolander's 'ignition' gimmick cannot be used sensibly in vehicle mode - the socket is inaccessible to the key. It's also very, very strange - a sort of energy blade, but held like a gun.

Overall, he's a pretty good figure, but his drab paintjob really doesn't suit him, either as a robot or a futuristic dragster.

GC-14 Fang Wolf (Cybertron Snarl)
I hadn't really intended to get this one, preferring the Dark repaint by a huge margin, but I saw this UK version while doing some late night shopping, and it was less than a tenner, so I figured I might as well. If some of the other less impressive toys are equally well-priced, I might snap them up as well.

The white plastic used for the majority of this model has a kind of pearly sheen to it, but otherwise looks very cheap and poor quality. The paintwork and overall colourscheme don't really suit the look of the model, and there's no paintwork on the face to bring out the detail.

Transformation is quite involved for a model this size, with the front of the wolf turning inside out to become the robot's upper body. There's also the reasonably clever use of the wolf's tail as a gun/sword weapon. The wolf's head becomes the right 'hand' which, while dramatic, seems awkward and impractical.

The ignition gimmick is a little weak - the wolf's mouth opens up, but won't stay open as the key doesn't lock in place - but he looks pretty good overall, and harks back to Beast Wars in many ways. One cute feature is the Force Key holder on his thigh... quite thoughtful.

GC-17 Autovolt
Of all the Galaxy Force models, Autovolt is most like the Gen 1/ Binaltech type, where the front of the car makes the chest of the robot, but that's the only real similarity. Transformation is rather more complicated, in fact it's all hindered somewhat by how complicated the process is.

Once in robot mode, however, Autovolt is another extremely posable model, with ball joints everwhere. The joints on mine are a little weak, however, so he's difficult to keep standing. The side guns, which can be stowed behind him, tend to get in the way of any dramatic posing of the legs, and weak arms tend to droop.

He comes armed with a handgun which doubles as a jet engine or afterburner in car mode, but the spoiler makes the gun look unwieldy.

His key-activated feature is a pair of rocket launchers which pop up from his back in either mode - in robot mode, they're another feature which harks back to Gen 1.

GC-18 Live Convoy
Easily the best helicopter-to-robot TransFormer ever. Transformation has been very well thought out. He's so good, in fact, that you can forgive the slightly garish paint job. Orange may be perfect for a rescue helecopter, but it makes him look decidedly odd in robot mode.

Thankfully, he's also bristling with features. Rotor blades that spin at the push of a button, a 'working' winch (it only pulls out a short way, and snaps back at the touch of a button, so it's not exactly the safest rescue winch around... it'd probably give its victim whiplash).

He's extremely posable in robot mode, too. These features don't get in the way of movement too much, and can even be used while he's in robot mode - the rotor blades become a weapon, and the winch can be used to rescue or to capture.

There's only really one downside, and that's the dull and basic key-activated feature - the vents on his engine flip round (in either mode) to become missile lauchers. While they rest on his back by default, they can be lifted over his shoulders so he can fire forwards.

GC-19 Exigeyser
Part of the heavily upgraded 'Vanguard Team', Exigeyser is the powered-up form of Exillion. Of the three Vanguard members, this one sticks out because he's actually slightly smaller than the original. Still, he's heavily armed and armoured, with missile launchers concealed just about everywhere, and a short sword which can be either held in his hands or mounted on his wrists.

His transformation is also almost identical to Exillion, but with a few more twists and turns added. He's not a bad figure by a long shot - there's plenty of molded detail and he's far more posable than Exillion... but the fact that he's smaller is just plain daft, when the other two are so big. Additionally, some of the joints feel rather delicate - particularly his shoulders - as though they might break if they're played with too much.

Still, it's better than Hot Rod becoming Rodimus Prime, ain't it?

The key-activated feature here is also rather disappointing - the rear-mounted (top-mounted in armoured car mode) gun turret opens up to reveal (*yawn*) more missile launchers. It's all vaguely reminiscent of Back Pack...

GC-20 Backgild
And speaking of Back Pack, this is his upgraded 'Vanguard Team' form. A huge improvement! Not only does he now have sensible knee joints, but he looks much tougher overall... not to mention better armed.

There are a couple of very clever things about this model, the main one being the rotating barrel in the chest which allows the whole missile launcher (made from both arms) to rotate 360 degrees while in vehicle mode, while being perfectly stable in robot mode. He even has some rotation in his neck thanks to some clever jointing.

The huge missile launchers on his arms do get in the way of posability, but not half as much as when their key-activated features come into play. His right arm sprouts a huge cannon, and his left sprouts a spring loaded missile launcher. Either basically take their respective elbows out of play, but the overall effect of the spring loading is brilliant. Add to that the posability of the legs and the waist rotation, and Backgild is an awesome figure.

And for those who think one can never have too many guns, he even comes with a hand-held rifle!

GC-21 First Gunner
Strangely, the medic becomes a missile carrying armoured car... Not that I'm complaining because he looks great in either mode. The missile may seem a tad unwieldy, but when you take the electronics into account, it's not too bad.

The key is used to interesting effect on this model. There is a key port on the missile launcher which triggers one effect - the missile splits open to reveal some sort of communication array (with flashing lights and a weird sound effect) - and there's another port on the robot's wrist attachment which opens it up. By default, it looks rather like a powerful shotgun but, like his smaller original form, First Gunner has attachments stowed in his legs - one is a hammer, the other is a scary-looking claw.

The electronics aren't all key-activated. Simply pulling the missile off the launcher triggers a launch sound effect, which is also pretty good.

Robot mode is a huge departure from First Aid - he's a big briuser with a huge missile mounted on his shoulder. The head is similar to the smaller form, but looks much tougher and more serious. He's also very posable, though I found the waist a little on the loose side. Still, he's another fine addition to the 'Vanguard Team'.

GC-22 Sonic Bomber
Originally thought to be the powered-up form of Dreadrock, Sonic Bomber turned out to be a completely different character, though he's still part of the 'Vanguard Team'. Loosely based on the A-10 bomber, but given a very futuristic remix.

Transformation is a bit more involved that with Dreadrock, as it has to accommodate not only the change from robot to plane, but to an upgrade for Galaxy Convoy, making him Sonic Convoy.

While the plane mode looks excellent, robot mode is a bit of a jumble. The shoulder joints are awful and the 'hands' are just a slight adjustment of the six-barrel guns from plane mode. Additionally, there's no useful movement to the feet, making him very awkward to stand in any really dramatic pose, and his legs look spindly.

Even so, gimmicks abound for both modes. The key-activated feature is quite simple - the nose of the plane opens up. Within this section, though, there is a battery-activated sound and light effect right at the nose of the plane.

Since he has no real hands, his missile launchers - and his twin swords - attach via pegs to the sides of his forearms.

The Cybertron (US/UK) version is named Wing Sabre, a reuse of a name from the Superlink/Energon series. Since this model does actually carry swords, it's not inappropriate.

GC-23 Megalo Convoy
You'd expect the leader of the giant planet to be big, and this model does not disappoint. While it's not necessarily one of the largest - smaller than Unicron, and not much bigger than Master Megatron/ Galvatron - he comes with a miniature Galaxy Convoy to put things in perspective.

Megalo Convoy is armed with a huge saw/claw weapon which also houses his only key-activated gimmick. Plug in the key and the saw blade opens up (much like Stargate's staff weapons) and becomes some kind of blaster with electronic light and sound effects.

His alternate mode has been a source of some ridicule in the fan community. Granted, it's very simple, but it's more than just putting the robot into a weird crouching position. If one assumes that, on Gigalonia, the robots aren't so much 'in disguise' as 'in more practical forms for construction and demolition' it all makes perfect sense - Megalo Convoy is a giant excavator.

Unlike the majority of other Galaxy Force models, this one comes with a Mini-Con partner, Horibull (awful name) who turns into a small (though actually the same size as the mini Galaxy Convoy!) dual-drill vehicle which can attach to Megalo Convoy's wrist, or to the tip of the digger arm in excavator mode. He's very similar to Armada Megatron's Mini-Con, but the legs are arranged differently and the model seems more detailed and sharper overall.

I'm in two minds about this one - on the one hand, it's a large, very poseable model (though the hands, like Galaxy Convoy's, are rather pathetically simple), on the other hand, it's light on gimmicks for something so small... Surely something could have been worked into the main body?

Currently a US/Cybertron-only release, this is a novel interpretation of the 'truck to robot' TransFormer. Rather than having the rear of the truck becoming the legs, it becomes the arms, creating a much stockier, more powerful looking robot, despite his small size.

Quite why this truck comes equipped with a crane is anyone's guess, as it would be more appropriate on a pickup than on something like this. Still, it becomes a huge gun for the robot, so I'm not complaining too loudly.

He seems to be rather top-heavy, and his comparatively small feet make him rather difficult to pose in interesting and dynamic ways. Aslo, while his hips are ball-jointed, there's not much useful movement to them, and his waist is fixed.

Plugging in his 'Cyber Planet Key' reveals a bank of missiles which are hidden behind the truck's grille. Who needs an engine anyway?

Every time this character turns up, I wish they'd just call him Wheeljack and be done with it. He was Wheeljack in Superlink, but Downshift in Energon, and now the same 'mistake' has been made with the Cybertron line (this figure, like Armorhide, does not appear in Galaxy Force).

Transformation and the overall look of the robot are very Gen 1-ish, but Downshift is far more posable than anything back then. With a couple of minor modifications explained in the fan forums, he can even be given a rotating waist and his head can be raised to allow it to turn more. Shame Hasbro didn't think the same way the fans do.

Still, Downshift is excellent as he is, with plenty of range for dynamic looks. His two missile launchers can be held in his hands or mounted on his shoulders (just like Gen 1 Wheeljack)... and even attached to the sides of his car mode!

His key gimmick is a strange claw-thing that pops out of the front grille of the car. No idea what it's supposed to do, but this feature is notable because the key slot can be hidden by folding it down flush with the rear windscreen. Clever stuff. The more I think about it, the more the colourscheme and key gimmick remind me of an upgraded Jackshot...

Blender (Cybertron Quickmix)
A surprise arrival, late on a Saturday evening, Blender/Quickmix is one of the last new molds in the US Cybertron series. Transforming into a cement mixer, this robot for some reason makes me think it's a homage to Gen 1's Blaster... Not so much the colouring, or the overall look, but certainly things like the visor on his head the 'door' on his chest and, bizarrely, the microphone and ariel on the left side of his head remind me of the Autobots' Communications guy.

He ends up looking suitably odd in both modes but, unlike Moledive/Menasor, at least manages to be recognisable as a specific piece of contruction equipment, and significantly different-looking in robot mode. Furthermore, the awkwardness of vehicle mode doesn't impact on the posability of the robot thanks to some clever jointing, particularly of the feet, which allow good stability in a range of poses.

While I like the asymmetry of Blender, the torso ends up looking very flat compared with just about every other character in Galaxy Force. Still, he's a decent figure. His key-activated gimmick is very much like Sonic Bomber's - the cement mixer 'barrel' on the right arm splits open to reveal a missile launcher. Very disappointing, overall.

His mini-con partner is a strange kind of laser drill thing with a deeply unimpressive robot mode. He links to Blender quite cleverly, thanks to a cockpit arrangement one the cement mixer 'barrel'.

Cybertron Smokescreen
While Galaxy Force was full of subtle references and homages to Gen-1, Hasbro took it to the next level by releasing this repaint of Autovolt. It's the perfect choice, because this mold is the closest thing in Galaxy Force to a Gen-1 style transformation, and looks pretty good painted up in Smokescreen's trademark red, white and blue. Add the key-activated, shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, and it's surprising they're not doing a whole range of these, as Prowl, Bluestreak and Jazz as well.

The only downside to this model is that the head hasn't been remodelled in any way, and is cast in the wrong colour. It really should have been blue... That having been said, it still manages to look pretty good.

Additionally, I have to admit that the ball joints on this one are much tighter than on my Autovolt.

Cybertron Brakedown GTS
Perhaps more appropriately known as Galaxy Force Kup. This has to be one of the best repaints of all time - somehow, it's just so right. While the colourscheme doesn't ape Gen-1 Kup completely, it's close enough, and the model in these colours really does evoke the old warhorse from TransFormers The Movie.

While the transformation is almost back to front - Kup was a weird 'futuristic/alien' pickup truck, and Brakedown is a serious dragster - it all manages to be completely appropriate.

My only complaint on this one - and it's really tiny and pedantic - is that, where the original had parts cast in translucent yellow plastic, the same parts here are cast in opaque black. The upshot of this is that there's no light-piping for his eyes, and the black plastic has been painted red.

I'm not sure whether, overall, I like this one better than the original... it looks so different, and in many ways this new colour scheme does work better than the original's dull browns... then again, Autolander is a very different character.

Cybertron Excellion
The closest the TransFormers line has had to a 'true' Hot Rod since the Gen-1 incarnation, this is similar to a limited edition DVD box repaint of Galaxy Force Exillion. The colours aren't quite the same, but the idea is there.

Of the Autobot repaints, this one has probably suffered the most through mold degradation - joints are loose, and pieces don't quite fit together as well as they ought, but it's still an excellent vehicle mode and a reasonably poseable robot. At first, I thought his hips had grown a greater range of movement since I picked up GF Exillion, but my attempts to pose him dramatically proved otherwise. While the hips seem to travel more, they and the knees are too loose to stand well in any position other than 'more or less straight'.

While I like this mold, I have to be frank and admit that I only really picked this up because it was the last in the rack at Toys'R'Us, and I didn't want to regret losing him later. I'd never intended to go looking for Cybertron Excellion.

Cybertron Override GTS
When Nitro Convoy was first released, I decided that I didn't like the model as a whole... The proportions were off, and the auto-transform gimmick seemed rather pointless. But then the Dark version was released, I picked it up and found that, in spite of some obvious flaws and stability issues, it was pretty good after all. When this version was released in the Cybertron line, it became obvious that my only real objection to the original was the rather clownish colour scheme.

This is a fairly effective mixture of more subdued colours that the original with black and silver from the Dark version. While it has all the stability and posability issues of the original and Dark version, this one's 'auto-transformation' gimmick actually works remarkably well - all one need do after pushing the button is flip the front assembly round onto his back and rotate his hips and legs into place.

My one other grumble with this figure - and probably all of the key-activated handguns in the Galaxy Force/Cybertron line - is the unweildy nature of his handgun. It fits perfectly in car mode, but it's too large to look good held in the robot's hand.


GD-02 Thundercracker
For possibly the first time in TransFormers history, Thundercracker is not simply a repaint of Starscream, he's a completely different model. And much smaller, too. While Starscream is some kind of Cybertronian jet, and never gets reformatted to Earth, Thundercracker is clearly a terrestrial fighter jet (something like a Russian SU-35/37).

Transformation is similar to some of the Gen 2/Robot Masters jets, not to mention Energon Starscream, but rather simplified for the most part. The feet are very different, though, giving his plane mode proper afterburners and his robot mode tiny little feet.

His head in robot mode is also very different from Starscream, and yet still distinctively 'Gen 1 Seeker'. His legs are quite spindly - to make his jet mode look more realistic, and one arm is basically a huge gun. His key-activated feature is one of the more bizarre and, frankly, pointless - it doesn't launch the gun-arm's missle, it simply opens the gun arm up, so that the missle is angled slightly upward!

A strange selection of parts (missles on the wings, tail fins, and the smaller 'front wings') have been made from rubber rather than plastic, a cause for frequent complaint in the fan communities. It does rather detract from the image of a well-built fighter plane/robot...

GD-03 Starscream
The latest incarnation of Starscream is possibly one of the most impressive. Based quite strongly on his appearance in the War Within graphic novels, Galaxy Force Starscream is a chunky, well-armed jet fighter. Maybe not as sleek as the Armada jet, but powerful-looking nonetheless. Kind of reminded me of one of the craft from the Nemesis/Gradius series of arcade games.

Upon closer inspection, some disappointments emerge. The guns mounted either side of the cockpit don't move, and the robot's arms are extremely stubby. He's not even that well armed, with only one puny-looking handgun.

The chest looks as though it was meant to house electronics of some kind - a speaker at the very least - and there's even a battery cover. Unfortunately, the electronics were scrapped. The hugely oversized American version does have light and sound effects, though... but since the robot is about the size of Unicron, it just doesn't look right.

Starscream's key-activated feature is a pair of translucent purple blades which spring out from the wing pods.

GD-04 Land Bullet (Cybertron Crumplezone)
From another Batmobile-inspired vehicle mode to a very ape-like bruiser of a robot, Land Bullet is a very dangerous-looking character. He does look rather awkward and top-heavy with such huge arms and such tiny legs but, somehow, it all balances out.

Transformation is actually quite clever, while still being very simple, and leaves next to nothing hanging pointlessly around. The head reinforces the idea that he's a nasty character, with a moving jaw which makes him look suspiciously like the Masters of the Universe character TrapJaw.

His key-activated gimmick is that his huge jet engines swing round - in either mode - and become rocket launchers.

GD-05 Gasket (Cybertron Ransack)
A very futuristic (dare I say 'Akira-inspired'?) motorbike from the Speed planet, Gasket is another fine example of how posable Galaxy Force figures are now. While he may be very broad shouldered, the overall impression is of a swift and light character, compared to the brawler that is Land Bullet.

A simple, yet satisfying transformation with no real tricks leads to a robot with bike parts on his legs and back. I'm not quite sure why the front wheel gets rotated 90degrees, because it's hanging off his back either way. It has been pointed out in the fan community that the mountings for his rear wheel - on the lower parts of his legs - are the wrong way round, meaning the back section in bike mode is raised far higher than it should be, and the wheel rubs against the frame of the bike. While the back of his head is made of transparent plastic for light-piping, his eyes are painted green, negating the effect entirely!

His key gimmick, like so many of the smaller GF models, is a gun which flips out from a part which mounts on the rear of the bike. It looks rather awkward as a handgun in robot mode, but just looks daft as tail guns in bike mode...

Gasket is the first UK GF model I've bought with an unpainted key:

GD-07 Flame Convoy
Leader of the beast planet, Flame Convoy is a very dangerous looking character. His robot mode is very heavily built - rivalling Land Bullet - with huge crests/horns and a pair of small dragon heads on his shoulders. His only hand-held weapon is a large axe, which is a bit of a disappointment.

Also disappointing is the lack of posablilty in this imposing figure. He's not a brick by a long shot, but the limited movement of the elbows and the fact that his large fists won't rotate means that he can't really pose dramatically with his axe. His legs are reasonably posable, and he's quite stable, but that doesn't quite make up for the arms.

Flame Convoy's key-activated feature is the pair of small dragon heads, which will pop up in either mode, accompanied by the well-known and loved Gen 1 cartoon transformation sound. An odd choice, all things considered. There's also a button-activated sound effect for his dragon mode, with a flashing light in the head.

In dragon mode, the axe becomes Flame Convoy's tail, and is far too fixed to work. While the molded detail suggests many joints, there is only one, making for a very angular tail.

GD-09 Demolishor
While cranes aren't an unusual choice of alternative mode, Demolishor's transformation is very original. Rather than the usual cab-as-chest transformation made popular by Gen 1 figures like Inferno and Grapple, each end of Demolishor's crane truck becomes one arm and one leg of the robot. It's actually vaguely similar to Gen 1 Rumble and Frenzy in many ways.

Robot mode is very impressive and posable. While there have been some reports of his groin area being loose and coming apart when posing him, mine has the opposite problem - it's so tight, it's difficult to transform him back to crane mode.

As with most of the Galaxy Force line, molded detail abounds. My only complaint is that, in crane mode, the paintwork is sparse. The US version has the stabilisers painted in metallic grey, but the Japanese version is almost entirely baby blue.

Demolishor has two key-activated gimmicks - a missile launcher on the cab (very weakly spring-loaded, so it doesn't stay in place when deployed) and a translucent green saw blade at the end of the crane arm (which, on the American version, is made of soft plastic and doesn't lie straight when deployed because the crane hook gets in the way).

GD-13 Ramble Drones
Although three colours are available - red, blue and yellow - I chose to ignore the latter. Considering the name is eerily close to Gen 1 Soundwave's pet thug Rumble, I - and, I suspect, many others - decided to get the two more appropriate colourschemes, as Rumble and Frenzy.

Obviously it's the same model, transforming into a rather impressive spider tank. Equally posable in either mode, Ramble is quite brilliant for his size (about 4 inches in robot mode).

The cannon is pretty cool, and houses his 'ignition' gimmick... an energy blade. While there are some photos of Ramble holding this blade in his hand, think carefully before removing it, as the tab holding it in place will break, and every time the key is plugged in after that, the blade will fly off like a missile.

GD-14 Master Galvatron
When I first saw the pre-production, all-grey Galaxy Force Master Megatron model, my first thought was that they'd made another Batmobile. The car mode really did look like something that would turn up in one of the Batman movies (pre Batman Begins, obviously!). The aircraft mode seemed bolted on and poorly thought out, possibly even an accident of design. Robot mode seemed interesting, if a little awkward... and then I saw the colour version. It looked terrible, with its greys, purples, oranges... Not the sort of Megatron we're used to.

Then this limited edition Master Galvatron repaint was announced - sleek and sexy in silver, grey, black and red, suddenly he seemed powerful and menacing again (the colour scheme is very Gen 1 Megatron, after all) - and suddenly I was interested in the model.

What I hadn't realised was the extent of the use of rubber parts. The shins, the wrist pieces (which form the nose of the car/plane), the horns and all the spiky pieces are far too flexible, and feel cheap and poorly made. The paint job does make up for most of this, though.

There are three key-activated features - engines that spring up in either vehicle mode, and two different weapons for robot mode. The gun is a huge disappointment after some earlier Megatron/Galvatron weapons, and it's made from one of his wheels. The wrist-mounted spines are pretty dangerous looking, though... even if they are just rubber.

Quite a strange and original mold, this. Very soon after Hardtop came out, it was given a yellow repaint, Swindle. Other than the colours, literally nothing was different, which seems to be the way with Hasbro's take on the latest series of TransFormers.

Hardtop is not the most appropriate name, since his alternate mode is a kind of open-topped dune buggy. Still, he has an enormous cannon attached at the rear, so maybe that makes his top 'hard'. Upon transforming him for the first time, I was fully expecting the shoulders to be fixed because of the way he transforms... but, no, his shoulders are on ball joints, just like his hips and knees. Although some of these joints are a little loose, he's quite a dynamic figure.

I don't quite understand why Hasbro decided to paint over the light-piping for his eyes. Seems like a waste of transparent plastic to me, but what do I know? Other than that, his colourscheme is military green with minty highlights, purple bits, and a dash of Decepticon Purple. Considering this was a Hasbro-only release, they haven't skimped on the paintwork.

His key-activated feature is a fliparound barrel for his gun. As standard, it's quite a short, single-barrelled gun. Stick in the key and it becomes a longer, double-barrelled gun... Weird.

Most people immediately saw a homage to Gen 1's mini Autobot Seaspray when the prototype turned up on the internet. Sadly, what we ended up with is a very awkward-looking Decepticon who turns into a very well-armed hovercraft.

While transformation is very satisfying, it leaves him with ugly great arms which end in claws rather than true hands. Due to the nature of the elbow joint, he can't bend his arm if he's holding his gun straight, so he has to hold it sideways, and look like a gangsta.

Worse still, his character bio describes him as a geek... Whoever writes these things these days really needs to come up with something a bit more sensible - bad enough that Megatron/Galvatron has become a 'criminal'... if his legions now boast a 'geek', no wonder the Autobots keep winning.

His key releases a pair of molded (that is, non-firing) missile launchers from the hovercraft propulsion fans.

If it seemed strange than Galaxy Force Thundercracker was a completely different mold to Starscream, then it's even stranger that Hasbro's Cybertron Skywarp should be a repaint of Thundercracker.

But that's not the only strange thing - Skywarp has always been a black jet with purple higlights... Now he's a purple jet with white highlights and a darker purple pattern on his wings... Making Thundercracker seem all the more realistic by comparason. I do quite like this mold, but the choice of colours for Skywarp is completely wrong.

Robot mode is as before but, while Thundercracker just looked skinny, Skywarp's purple and white colourscheme makes him look as though he's heading for Mardi Gras.

The key-activated feature is, naturally, exactly the same as the original... even the same colour of translucent plastic has been used for the missile!

Moledive (Cybertron Menasor)
Quite why Hasbro lumbered Moledive with the ame of the combined form of the Stunticons from Gen 1 is anyone's guess, but they've done a reasonably good job of producing a figure that Takara didn't bother with. Many of the usual Hasbro complaints - poor paint applications, poor QC - really don't apply here. 'Menasor' is a sturdy, well-decorated model.

As with the Megalo Convoy, though, he really doesn't have a particularly convincing alternate mode - a wierd drilling rig - with very little by way of actual 'transformation' to get there. This has been explained away as the Gigalonia TransFormers no longer being 'robots in disguise' as much as they are simply construction robots with more practical work modes.

His Mini-Con partner is quite a strange one - a bulldozer with a cargo bed, which seems like a strange mixture of functions... Maybe Gigalonia is big (ahem) on multi-tasking? There are a couple of Mini-Con ports on the main model, but only one actually does anything - the drill in the right arm extends, and the translucent blue claws are released. The left arm contains the one and only key-activated feature - light and sound effects in the other drill.

While the simplicity of the transformation and the unrealistic alternate mode are off-putting, the robot mode - particularly the impressive and unusual head sculpt - make up for it, and despite its awkwardness, it's a very poseable figure.

Cryo Scourge (Ice Convoy?)
While I'm normally not one for buying gratuitous repaints, Cryo Scourge stood out from the crowd a little. Essentially an icy reworking of the Flame Convoy/Scourge mold, Cryo Scourge comes painted in cold colours, and with clever use of translucent plastic for the dragon's claws and the robot's axe blade. In the main, the choice of colours is fantastic, though the paintjob on the head of mine is a little on the sloppy side, but the silver face shows up much more detail than the metallic purple of the original.

Aside from the paintjob, this is exactly the same model, even down to the light and sound effects - they didn't even change the colour of the light, let alone the sound of his roar! His bio explains this to some degree, saying that 'prolonged exposure to the freezing waste of deep space has irreversibly mutated Scourge. No longer a flame-spewing monster consumed by his passions, he is now a creature of ice and cold... His breath, once a raging firestorm, is now creeping cold that sneaks into joints and mechanisms, destroying them from within.'

It then makes a mockery of this by describing the 'blazing eyes and dragon scream' which make up the lights and sounds... Hum.

This is almost certainly one of Hasbro's better choices in the Cybertron line, and Cryo Scourge looks far better than Takara's decidedly odd-looking Sky-Lynx repaint of the Flame Convoy mold.

Cybertron 2-pack Starscream
Or, as mine shall be known, Cybertron Thrust, as the colour scheme fits the Gen-1 character reasonably well. This is quite an odd repaint in many ways. Some areas are now deep red where they used to be off-white, what used to be red is generally silver, and the highlights in metallic orange are still metallic orange... But now, his transparent parts are a strange, UV-Glow effect cloudy translucent purple. In its own way, it looks great... it's just not Starscream.

I'm very fond of this mold, despite the difficulty in posing him well. It's nice and bulky, very powerful-looking in robot mode, and yet manages to look sleek and fast in jet mode. Still looks rather too much like the fighter from the Gradius series, but that's no bad thing. The strange cloudy plastic used for his blades, cockpit and missile are an odd choice but, in the right light, they do look rather like they're responding to ultraviolet light.

The other part of the 2-pack, Vector Prime, is much the same as the Japanese version, but stark white rather than pearlescent grey, and a much darker brown has been used... so it's almost as if they simply increased the contrast on him. Since he's effectively the same, though, he'll remain in the packaging. I may use the sword for something else, and I may repaint his Mini-Con as a 'Nemesis' version... or perhaps try to think of something more original.

A repaint of Hardtop and, frankly, the only one if the two that I'd originally intended to buy. I'm still not quite sure why I bought Hardtop, as the colourscheme didn't appeal to me... But there we go.

The most interesting difference in the decoration of Swindle and Hardtop is that Swindle has a Decepticon logo on his chest in robot mode, but Hardtop doesn't. Other than that, the pattern of their paintwork is slightly different.

Giant Planet Mini-Cons
While not, strictly speaking, truly Decepticon, these three are mischief-makers - inhabitants of the Giant Planet who destroy rather than build, and raid for supplies.

They are also a prime indication of how far the toy designs and toy making has come, even since Armada. While the Recon Team and Race Team are nothing special - the latter being a slight remolding of a trio who originally appeared several years ago in Armada - the Giant Planet team are something special. One land-based, one sea-based, and one who flies, each with a deceptively simple but very effective transformation. Certainly Deep Dive has huge flaps on his shoulders as a symptom of slightly questionable design, but Overcast could be considered to be a miniature Dreadrock/Jetfire. Longarm is the weakest of the set, but even he is a fresh approach to an old Mini-Con, rather than a straight repaint.

Planet X

GX-01 Noisemaze
Transforming from a sleek and dangerous-looking spacecraft into a rather demonic robot, Noisemaze is a nightmare vision of a robot. Worse still, his loyalties are questionable. By default, he displays the Autobot insignia... but plug in his key, and he becomes a Decepticon with crossbow-style weapon. Sadly, mine has a key which won't stay in place so he flops back to being an Autobot...

While small, the amount of molded detail on Noisemaze is staggering. Paintwork is appropriate all over - none wasted, none 'missing', making for quite a beautiful (if demonic) robot and spacecraft. Cleverly, his wings can detatch to become swords.

The only downside - on mine, at least - is that the ball-jointed hips are very loose, making him tricky to stand. This is fixable, though.

One other point of interest is that his robot 'face' is basically a blank area of translucent orange plastic... catch the light in a certain way, however, and a firey face seems to appear...

GX-02 Soundwave
The enigmatic Decepticon communications expert returns with a Gen 1 colourscheme and a futuristic stealth jet alt. mode. There are many references to the original Soundwave, particularly in the very familiar head.

Transformation is rather complicated and, to be honest, doesn't work perfectly. The legs never seem to go back into the position they were in straight out of the box, so the whole body of the plane is loose and won't stay together. Robot mode is mostly satisfying, though. Personally, I'd say the legs and arms are rather thin, and the number of obvious aeroplane parts - the wings on his back, the nose hanging off the right arm, and the cockpit (working as a shield) on the left) make posing rather difficult. Also, the tilting joints below the knees are a little weak on mine.

His only key-activated gimmick is a real treat for Gen 1 fans, though. Just like the original tape deck Soundwave, his chest opens up to release one of three 'Hexagon Units'. One transforms into his handgun, another becomes a shoulder-mounted weapon, and the third becomes his sidekick, Killer Condor (or Laserbeak, if you prefer... and, frankly, I do!).

On the one hand, the homage is brilliant... but I can't help but think he wouldn't be half as good if it weren't for all the Gen 1 lookalike features. The big question is whether or not there will be any other Hexagon Units... and, unfortunately, the answer is probably 'no.'

Not really a Planet X-er, Cybertron Unicron is said to be a 'seed form' of the Chaos Bringer. Transforming into a small, strangely insectiod tank, very little of the original giant is recognisable - only the gaping maw, seen devouring planets in the movie.

Robot mode is much more familiar, though the impression of power has been dramatically reduced. The head is almost the same, but with skeletal features; the shoulders hark back to Armada, and are similar to GF Master Megatron/Galvatron; the clawed feet definitely evoke the original; the spines on his leg plates are much like the spines formed from the original's planet mode ring... but his size and skinny look suggest he's been stripped of his former glory.

Even this Unicron seed has a key-activated feature, though it's very disappointing and prone to malfunction. The gaping maw on his chest opens up to reveal a three-barrelled gun. The malfunction is that, upon pulling out the key, the doors don't always close properly.

It's a decent enough model, I suppose, but why is it Unicron? With a different head and colourscheme, it could be anything.


Dark Ligerjack
Exclusive to Japanese Toys'R'Us stores, according to the packaging, this is a black/grey/metallic turquoise (typical 'Nemesis' colours) repaint of Ligerjack, the upgraded Beast form of Jackshot. I never really intended to get Ligerjack, as it's quite an ugly model in both modes, but this dark repaint manages to make him look quite impressive.

The main flaws in this model are in the articulation - paricularly that of the upper arms, which is decidedly awkward - but they tried to make up for this by including a gimmicky third mode of transformation - a claw which can attach to Master Megatron/Galvatron, in the same was Ligerjack attaches to Galaxy Convoy. While the cartoon shows this claw mode with real fingers, the toy has none, and looks very odd.

Ligerjack even keeps Jackshot's 'Wolverine' claws, this time as his key-activated gimmick, meaning he looks even more like Marvel's favourite short-arsed Canadian nutter, only now with a large pony tail. The only other gimmick is a push-button 'roar' (so far, so Lio Convoy), with a battery-powered sound effect...

Dark NitroConvoy
While the original colourscheme looks rather garish/clownish, the Dark version is pretty fantastic. All the usual Nemesis colours - black, grey, silver and metallic turquoise - are present, making the vehicle form every bit as Batmobile as Master Galvatron, and the robot form that much more formidable-looking.

The autotransformation gimmick is pretty weak. Push a button on the nose of the car, and some parts spring out, leaving the legs to be done by hand... Unfortunately, the spring loading works all too well when transforming him back to vehicle mode, and it only really stays solid once it's all done.

Can't be sure how this compares to the original in terms of the joints and posability, but the feet - particularly the heel pieces - are quite loose, and the arrangement of the feet is such that he's never entirely stable.

The key-activated gimmick here is a large and unwieldy pair of gun turrets. They work perfectly for vehicle mode, where one gun pops out either side of the cockpit... but as a hand-held weapon in robot mode, it's just too bulky.

Overall, though, the black repaint wins out again... It's very stylish, suits both forms, and improves greatly on the original colourscheme.

Black Fang Wolf
The Toy's Dream Project black recolour of the white Galaxy Force original, this is actually a very cool model. The original colour scheme did it no favours. There is a huge amount of molded detail in both wolf and robot modes, but the overuse of dull white plastic on the original meant most of the unpainted detail was lost, particularly on the robot's face. Not so with this one, where the detail leaps out of the darker plastic, and the unpainted areas look just as good as the painted ones. The choice of colour, too, is much better - silvers and yellows complementing the greys and blacks far better than the blue paintwork on the original.

One fairly significant difference between this and the original is that the light piping on the head has effectively been removed - the back of the head is clear grey plastic, but the eyes are painted yellow. I can understand not wanting clear grey eyes - they'd be a bit bland after all - but then why not choose a different colour for the clear plastic... like red, as with most 'Nemesis' versions?

Yup, a black version of Soundwave. He is, therefore, more sneaky and dangerous than the original... Or so I guess.

Aside from a new paintjob, this is exactly the same as Takara's GF Soundwave, but somehow the build quality is much improved. SW's head was a little loose and prone to lolling, SB's isn't half as bad. The legs don't seem as loose, and the heel pieces certainly aren't... which means he's far easier to pose in an interesting way.

It's a very interesting model, very detailed and intricate, a perfect update for a much loved/loathed and highly sought-after Gen 1 character. Rather a shame that TakaraTomy aren't planning any more Hexagon Unit sidekicks, but it's certainly given kitbashers something to aspire to.

Planet Cybertron

Almost certainly every fanboy's dream, ever since Armada Unicron turned up on the scene... But, whereas Unicron suffered from the Armada line's tendency towards chunkiness, Primus is a whole different kettle of fish.

With far more molded detail, and more extensive paint work, Primus is a beautiful figure to behold. Factor in the electronics which, unlike Unicron, feature sounds, and he's a must-have model.

Some versions of this model (not the version available at Toys'R'Us in the UK, as far as I can tell) came with a free gift, in the form of a damaged and disembodied Unicron head, modelled on the Armada mold, but missing half the face, revealing a strange, Terminator-style metallic skull beneath. Frankly, I'm not that upset about missing out on that, because it looked rather crappy and pointless. What I am upset about is missing out on the Japanese version's Generation 1-inspired box art, which looked fantastic.

Thanks to a new display cabinet, Primus is finally on show in all his glory. I haven't yet tried to transform him back into Cybertron, but I've seen enough images to know that he's strangely garish in planet mode because of his light blue/dark blue/grey colour scheme.